Sepia Saturday

Sepia Saturday

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sepia Saturday

As I search through the piles, I found this photo of my Dad and Mom, Jesse and Zella Burgus. They were age 41 and 40 in this picture. It was taken in the old house, that stood on the farm when they bought the farm in 1953.  The house was an old T shaped farm house, with two stories.  The one end was probably the first part of the house to be built as the one room kitchen had a six and a half foot ceiling in it.  Above that kitchen was a single bedroom.  I believe the next two story wing with normal ceiling heights was built later.
The photo was developed in November of 1959.   They are sitting in the  north end of the kitchen next to a doorway that takes one upstairs.  The window looks out to porch with square columns.

Here is a picture of the house.  They were called a story and a half. The edges of the sides of the rooms upstairs were all 4 or 5 feet tall and the roof slanted in as a part of the ceiling. I have posted this photo before but the boys are of myself and brother Dwight in the front row. I am the youngest. Behind us is Rex and Ron.
The house was torn down in 1959, in the spring after the crop was put in, and a new ranch house was put up in it's place.  My folks picture was taken apparently in the winter before the house was to be torn down.

Here is a photo of my dad almost forty years later.  He is standing in the Union Cemetery located in southern Iowa north of the town of Murray. Around him are all stones of the relatives.  The standing stones behind him are my Great Grandparents graves.  I do now have to go there and visit as I don't know any of the other stones.  My Great Grandfather had 13 other brothers and sisters and I bet a lot of them are right there also.  The families of Burgus, Abernathy,  and Turner all lived in the area and attended a Union Community Church.  A lot of those names were leaders in the little church and all three of those families are my relatives.  The name Burgus survived as they married Abernathys and Turners.

I am not an only child but I sometimes feel that way as my two older brothers live in the classy states of California and Arizona.  The other brother died a year ago and I have all these photos.  I found this batch yesterday and am starting to sort and store in photo boxes.  It is hard as I don't know who will ever care to have them when I am done.  As for my own satisfaction of knowing the family tree, I will trudge on to victory.  It will be a few years before I have them sorted but it will be a fun journey.



Far Side of Fifty said...

Hi Larry, You are doing such a great job with showing the photos and leaving behind what history you remember..someday someone will appreciate your efforts..I am sure of it.
I enjoyed your photos..I am seeing lots of ladies in Polka dots recently..and I admired your Mothers skirt:)

Vicki Lane said...

You have a big job ahead of you! I suggest you take it in small doses -- too much immersion in the past can be overwhelming!

Martin said...

What you're doing is so important. (a) remembering the part your parents played/play in your life, and (b) researching the family tree. Not only does this second exercise give you a sense of where you fit in the scheme of things, but it is an important social document. More power to you Larry. Nice post.

Barry said...

How sad is the attitude of your brothers. Although I can understand the urge behind it.

However what a treasure to discover all those photos!

Unknown said...

L.D. Nice photos.... I've seen similar story and a half houses here in so'eastern MN too but never recognized that name for them. It sounds like you sure do have family history to "dig up" (could not resist) back in the cemetery. Such clear photos and the array you show at the end makes me think I should photo the untidy mess I have in our downstairs bedroom where I am sorting. I share being an only child, though raised with a half brother who showed himself to be untrustworthy after Mom died, etc. so we have no contact today. I have adapted to consider it water under the bridge and taken Maya Angelou's advice to heart, "when people show you who they are, believe them the first time...." So I am excited about Sepia Sat. where we can share stories with each other.

Betsy Brock said...

Your sepia posts are always such a pleasure! You and your that one! My dad's side of the family has many ancestors buried in the same small country cemetery. It's nice to see them all together like that.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Larry on taking that job on. The thing about family histories is that folks don't seem to get into them until they get older and unless someone has done some work there is no stories and photos. I life the posts that tell about the folks but also like the description you gave on the picture frame. I remember my grandmother having one like that. Don't know where that is.
Good job.

North County Film Club said...

I can't wait to hear all the stories contained in that box of photos. You're going to have fun!

L. D. said...

I do keep track of my brothers. I just feel like we are strangers. I was in high school when they both moved to the southern states. I try a lot harder than they do to get to know them. I don't think they know me very well. The two of them being a year apart hang out or call each other all the time. I am not a part of that as they don't know what to say to me. I guess I am more concerned as they are getting older and I am old enough we should be close.

Unknown said...

Very good photos, & best wishes for sorting them out. I wonder some what will happen to the old photos of my mom & dad somewhere down the line, but for now I'm happy to make them available on the blog. BTW, my wife & I lived in an old Idaho farmhouse in which the ceilings were well under 8 feet--it's an odd feeling!

Nana Jo said...

I think as we sort through our photographic histories, it helps us to remember the stories and connect them to who we are. This is important not just personally, but for future generations, too. Have you given your brothers a link to this blog? Perhaps if they could read your heartfelt feelings and see the pictures, it would help re-connect them with their own memories, and they would put more effort into connecting with you.

Alan Burnett said...

That pile of photographs that you give us a sneak preview of promises many fascinating posts to come. I am looking forward to them - but I always look forward to your posts.

tony said...

The Body Language is Soooo Relaxed.They Looked so comforable in each others company.
Re: "the only child" My brother is 8 years older than me.The age-difference does distance brothers in many ways.
Lovely post Sir.

Sean Bentley said...

One of the most melancholy yet intriguing and, from a design standpoint, stimulating, things I've run across in antique shops and rummage sales is boxes full of anonymous old photos. So many mysteries!