Edited on December 24th,
My cousin Joan Henderson Callison wrote me the following information:
The lst and 2nd schools in Murray were in the block kitty cornered northeast across the street from the present school. Plans were being made for the present school when the brick one, pictured above, burned a month before school was out. It was thought that it was arson. They finished going to school in churches and business buildings. Mom, Ruby Burgus Henderson and Mary Burgus Farr would have been Juniors. Mom said that they had to ask the kids what their grades were because all the records were burned and the boys remembered them being much higher than they actually were. Mom and Mary were in the first graduating class of the current school in 1926.Grandma & Grandpa Burgus made Mom wait a year to go to high school so she and Mary were in the same class.
Structures like the newer one are of flat roof construction. The illustration of the Woodward building a few pictures down is typical of the early 1900's style of school building. The 1926 building that Aunt Ruby and Aunt Mary graduated from is the very same building that I graduated from in 1968, 42 years later.
Another school structure that stood in Osceola, Iowa in the past shows the tower for the school bell, a carryover from the country schools who most had a tower structure built as the entry for the school and to hold the bell. As the country grew the families grew and I am sure this building became too small to handle the number of children in the town.
A structure that still stands today is the Osceola Depot. It is still in use and the Amtrak train stops here frequently each day. When people are ready to board the train, they line up on the concrete slab and wait as a group for the train to slowly pull up to allow them to board. I don't know how fun that would be in a rain storm or snow storm as there is not covered area for them to stand.
When I was first starting out as a teacher, I taught in Sidney, Iowa. The county seat of Fremont County was Sidney and this is the courthouse that still stands there today. The trees have all grown in since this was taken. This is actually the second courthouse built here as the last one was destroyed by dynamite. The border of Iowa is more than twenty miles away but during the Civil War, the southern soldiers didn't have maps. They were sure that they were in Missouri so they placed explosive material inside the court house and lighted a match.
The Underground Railroad actually did go through Sidney in the 1860's. I do know that Iowa was against slavery but I don't think Iowa ever actually was attacked by the South except for this one time.
This is the Woodward, Iowa school building that was built in the early 1900's Originally it was a Kindergarten through Senior building and the stories were told that the bottom floor was left with a dirt floor for it's early years. The school children went down there to play during rainy days for recess. I am assuming that the money was tight.
I do know that they later finished the floor as I taught my first four years in this building. I was in the basement room with a concrete floor. It is the one with the right back basement windows. I started teaching there in 1976.
The cupola was said to have blown off in the 1920's. Do you notice all the Roman influence on this structure with the pediment over the doorway and the water line base that reminds one of Venice, France?
As with all older structures in this country we tear them down after 100 years. It was taken down in 1993 to be replaced with a single story building.
I am off theme most every time but maybe I can dig out my Grandmothers old cookbooks and create a food theme for next week. I seem to be behind on themes or never conforming at all. I enjoy all the themed blogs and you can see more blogs who share in Sepia Saturday by clicking here.