Sepia Saturday

Sepia Saturday

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.....

I am guessing that the year is 1957.  My brother Dwight and I received a new train together from Santa Claus.  My dad had a windup toy metal donkey.  It had a tail that would spin making the donkey shake and move in circles.  We were poor and it kind of shows.  The old rocker in the foreground recovered with towels. The saggy couch in the back and a line up of old rockers on the right. The linoleum floors reminded me that the marbles rolled east to west when released.  The house was an old house with no insulation and it sat on the top of a hill in southern Iowa. When the wind would blow the house would be cold through and through and sometimes frost would form on the wallpaper.

My dad had hair and it was dark.  My mom had the same hair style most of her life.  My older brother Dwight is behind my dad, barely showing. I am standing around watching my brother take the photo. A camera was a pretty fancy thing for our family at that time. This must of been the year my oldest  brother Ron got a Brownie camera for Christmas.  He would have been the one taking the photo, using up those expensive flashbulbs that would be like an explosion in a glass ball. I don't know where the one other brother would be during this time. The wooden shelving thing on the wall full of photos and salt and pepper shakers is in storage in my basement today.  I really think this is the only Christmas shot that we ever took my whole life time.

Check out others who are sharing their blogs about Christmas things. Click here on Sepia Saturday here and find a lot of fun spots to see.


Unknown said...

Love that Christmas photo, Larry -- your Dad with the metal donkey; the linoleum floor (we had it in our living room and kitchen!). I kept reading through your past blogs, too, and had a GREAT time!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Even if it was hard, it was family holding together. At this time living in SWL the USA was sort of a place where milk and honey flowed, everybody was rich, where all was possible, no poor people. Later I learned that riches are not made up of money and glamour, everybody grows up eventually.Your story is matter of fact, that is how most people struggle through life with good and bad times.

Postcardy said...

I don't really have any Christmas photos of my family because my father liked to shoot movies when we were young. One of my sisters took the movies when my father died and just put them in storage.

Little Nell said...

Well if it’s the only one it’s even more precious. Your description, especially of the flash bulb, took me back. Our house had frost on the insides of the windows but never on the wallpaper! I salute your very hardy family and wish you a Happy New Year.