I received this from my Cousin Bob Brown a few weeks ago. I was so surprised to see it as I didn't know that it even existed. It is a very high quality photo of my Grandfather LeRoy Martin Brown and Grandmother Mabel Zella Wheeler Brown. It is their wedding photo and I have the portrait form of it in a frame. It is seen on the sidebar of this blog.
My mom had always had the framed wedding photo and I hadn't thought about it before but when my grandfather passed away in 1937 my mom was still in high school. A few years later she was married and my grandmother remarried. I assume that my grandmother didn't think she could hang her first wedding photo in her house when she remarried so she gave it to her daughter for safe keeping.
I really like the clarity of the photo and how you can see all the details of the shoes and clothing. I wasn't able to do that with my oval framed photo.
The photo is actually a postcard. I recognized my Grandmother's handwriting on the back. She was good to share the dates so I could verify my records. As a footnote to all of this, I have the wedding dress and bow and bracelet that is shown in the photo. My oldest niece Stacia has the necklace as my mom gave it to her many years ago.
Check out the others who are participating in Sepia Saturday by clicking here.
By "bow" do you mean the one on the hat? It's truly spectacular- (both of them?). How wonderful to have the dress and that your niece has the bracelet.
Hello Larry, Yes you can see all the clarity, especially when you enlarge it. I see the tiny flower in his lapel, the stem goes way down into his pocket. He was making sure not to loose it, so she probably gave it to him. His trousers were well ironed, not easy with the irons they had then, she wore her wedding ring a bracelet and two necklaces.You can see the embroidery on her dress...and they both had blue eyes. Look at the shag carpet! It is truely a great photo. I believe she did give it to her daughter as its not good to bring another person into your marrige. We have to go on in life and not look back. She still cared for her first husband and knew the photo would remain safe. A wise lady...and beautiful.
Isn't it funny that today the woman would sit while the man stand..Life has reversed itself. Glad you have this! It is magic!!!
I think the hat is a cloth thing with the bow attached. I may have the cloth hat too, I will have to dig it out and look. I won't throw any of it away but I will need to find someone out there who would appreciate it. I wish we had a historical society and museum where these things could go.
there are museums that focus on clothing and fabric. Not sure where you are but if there is none in your area you could send it. Really nice photo. Lots of old photos have the woman standing and the man seated.
Well my comment disappeared and I hope I am not duplicating myself here. So special to have that handwritten grandmother's note. Her hat tickled me, big puffy flowers on either side of her head. Yes remarkable quality in that photo, his eyes especially.
I love old photos. This is such a good specimen. You are lucky to have such gems. I saw in your comment on 'jennyfreckles' that when you make the pics larger they encroach into your side bar. You can fix that by making your blog body wider. I can tell yo how to do it if you want. Send me an email from my profile page.
What a great collection- fancy having the actual garments and jewelery that are in the photo! Luck you!
You know, the large framed portrait in really nice but this postcard portrait is fabulous. You get to see head to toe, not just from the knees up. I like how their eyes are looking directly into the lens of the camera - almost through the lens directly to us.
Really nice photos. I love running across old family photos and/or memorablia
Great to see a Sepia Saturday as a Blog of Note. Well done.
Weird- this photo looks like the blurry photo from 2 posts ago.
Did people just all look the same back then?
I noticed you on the Blogs of note list too. Congrats!
Thanks everyone, I was very surprised. I have to also say that I had to shield the site from oh so many commercial people who wanted to get on here. I see also I have a few strange followers, like Justin Beiber who I have to deal with.
Caleb, my grandmother looked the same all of her life and you are seeing her with her mouth clamped tight shut and the same style of dress in about any photo she was in with family.
Great pictures, I love black and white pictures. Great blog!
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Congratulations Larry on making the Blogs of Note list. This certainly is a very clear and precise postcard and the details of the clothing are amazing. How thrilling that you have the dress, bow, etc. and your niece is very fortunate to have the necklace.
Pretty incredible! I love genealogy research! Mind if I follow along in your journey?
Congratulations on being named Blog of Note! Very well deserved : )
Way to go!! Blog of note..I am impressed!! Remember I knew you when! This is a great addition Larry..and it is an Azo Postcard with triangles pointing up in ball corners where the stamp goes..this was used 1904 to 1918. Just another form of documentation for you! :)
it's like making me reminisce the old times.. Now, i get to miss my old folks. thanks for sharing this. THUMBS UP!
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